Batter's Boxing Day 2018

The U.S. version of Boxing Day! Baseballism is celebrating its first Batter's Boxing Day with up to 40% off select Batter's Boxing Day items, new releases and a free collectible graphic poster with orders of $50 or more.
Begins: 12:00am EST 12/26
Ends: 2:59am EST 12/27
Sale valid in store and online. No code necessary. In store purchases will receive a voucher for a free poster to be shipped to them. Scroll down to see the free 12" x 18" graphic poster with orders of $50 or more and new releases.
You'll never know unless you dive. Baseballism 'Dive" will release on Batter's Boxing Day for lefties and righties. Lefty version pictured above.
You'll never know unless you dive. Baseballism 'Dive" will release on Batter's Boxing Day for lefties and righties. Righty version pictured above.
Sometimes you just gotta throw someone out of the game. Baseballism You're Outta Here now will release during Batter's Boxing Day.
Purchases of $50 or more will receive a free Blue Print collectible graphic poster during our first Batter's Boxing Day Sale.